getting started with c

Steps in learning C language

Special Symbol
Instructions Program

C Character Set
Following are the valid Characters in C:

Alphabets A to Z
a to z
Digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Special symbols ~’!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\{}[]:;”<>,.?/

Constants, Variables, and Keywords
The combination of alphabets, digits, and special symbols forms constants, variables, and keywords.
A constant is an entity that doesn’t change, whereas a variable may change over the execution of a program and a keyword is a word that has a special meaning in the language.

Types of Constants
C constants are of two types:
(a) Primary Constants
(b) Secondary Constants

C Constants
Primary Constants Secondary Constants
Integer Constants, Real Constants, Character Constants Array, Pointer, Structure, Union, Enum

Rules for constructing constant

Constant Rules
Integer Constant (i) It must have at least one digit.
(ii) It can be positive or negative and must not have decimal point. By default, if the sign is not provided, then it is considered positive.
(iii) Range lies between -2147483648 to +2147483648.Example: -555, 31051996, +111
Real Constants (i) It must have at least one digit.
(ii) It can be positive or negative and must have decimal point. By default sign is positive, if the sign is not provided, then it is considered positive.
(iii) Range lies between -3.4e38 to 3.4e38.Example: +2.2e-3, 4.1e1
Character Constants (i) It is a single alphabet, digit, or special character enclosed within a single inverted comma.
(ii) Only the left inverted comma is valid i.e.  ‘M’.Example: ‘S’, ‘a’

also see

C Programming language
Go Programming language
Linked List Array
Stack Queue
Puzzle Reasoning
Aptitude HTML
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